Cello Inventory (partial list)
Cellos to $5000
- Colas, Gaetano - Avalon Studio 2005
- Haide, Jay - El Cerrito ,CA 2017 Strad Model (2-3 In Stock)
- Haide, Jay - El Cerrito, CA 2017 Montagnana Model (2-3 In Stock)
- Haide, Jay - El Cerrito, CA 2017 Ruggieri Model (3-4 In Stock)
- Semmlinger, Lothar - Germany 1995
- Von Aue, Gunter - Cologne, GER 2017 (5-7 In Stock)
Cellos $6000 to $10,000
- Goronok, Micheal D. - Cleveland 2007
- Pedersen, Christian - Albuquerque 2013
- Pedersen, Christian - Albuquerque 2017 (Rogeri Model)
- Pedersen, Christian - Albuquerque 2017 (Strad Model)
- Pedersen, Christian - Standard Model 2018
- Riedl, Ilner - Bubenreuth 2002
- Roth, Ernst Heinrich - Bubenruth/Erlangen 1974
Cellos $11,000 to $20,000
- Apparut, George - Mirecourt 1943
- Austrian Origin ca. 1800
- Colas Deluxe Model - Avalon Studio 2012
- Davis, Trevor - Albuquerque 2017
- Davis, Trevor - Albuquerque, NM 2017
- Lee, William Harris - Model #350
- Mirecourt late 1800's
- Pot, Johannes - Amsterdam 1949
- Roberti, Paolo - Mt. Pleasant/Albuquerque 2017
- Rubio, David J. - Cambridge, England 1998
- Schnitzer, Arnold - New Mexico 2017
- Werebrouck, Arie Bernard - Flagstaff 2017
Cellos $21,000 to $30,000
- Arlig, Daniel - Minneapolis 2014
- Arlig, Daniel - Minneapolis, MN 2016 (VSA Makers Competition)
- Carruthers, Andrew - Santa Rosa, CA 2011
- Cauche, Antoine - Angers 2017 *
- Cison, Bronek - Chicago
- Cison, Bronek - Chicago 2018
- Cole, Guy - Arlington, TX 2001
- English Origin early 19th Century
- Goldenberg, Todd - Boston 2012
- Goldenberg, Todd - North Berwick, ME 2006
- Hart, Paul & Pedersen, Christian - Mt. Pleasant UT/Albuquerque 2017
- Hart, Paul - Mt. Pleasant 2009 #502
- Hart, Paul - Mt. Pleasant 2013 (Archinto Model)
- Kiernoziak, Stanley - Chicago 2014
- LaMay, Lawrence - Madison, WI 1972
- Lowendall, Louis - Berlin 1899
- Melanson, Raymond - Boston 1998
- Melanson, Rayomnd J. - Rochester, Ma. 1998
- Raphael, George - Santa Rosa/Albuquerque 2013
- Sacquin - Paris 1850
- Savino, Christopher - Albuquerque 2017 (Venetian Model)
- Vessel, Gary - Salt Lake City 2004
Cellos $31,000 to $50,000
- Callier, Frank - Hollywood, CA 1933
- Charotte-Millot, Joseph - Mirecort 1840
- Cole, Anne - Albuquerque "Galileo"
- Cole, Anne - Albuquerque 1987 "String Theory"
- Cole, Anne - Albuquerque 1993 "Zuni"
- Davis, Gary J. - 2000
- Dilworth, John - London 2016 (After J.B. Vuillaume)
- Heroux, Martin - Quebec 2015
- Matsuda, Tetsuo - Barrington 2012
- Matsuda, Tetsuo - Barrington, IL 2009
- Meiwes, Georg - Salt Lake City 2014
- Melanson, Raymond J - Rochester Ma. 2014
- Rabut, Guy - New York 2014
- Storck, Joannes Friederich - Strassburg 1745
- Whedbee, William - Chicago 2017
- Whedbee, William - Chicago 2018
- Wilke, Lawrence - Clinton, CT 1997
Cellos $51,000 to $100,000
- 20th Century Attributed to Postiglione
- Bernardel, Leon - Paris 1921 No. 48
- Chiocchi, Gaetano - Padua ca. 1870
- Messori, Pietro - Modena 1936
Cellos $100,000 to $200,000
- Banks, Benjamin - Salisbury c. 1790
- Gagliano, Rafael & Antonio - Naples 1855
- Gand, Charles Adolphe - Paris ca. 1850
Cellos $200,000 to $500,000
- Cuypers, Joannes Theodorus - The Hague 1767
- Forster Sr., William - London c. 1780-1785 ex. "Cooper"
- Grancino, Giovanni - Milano ca. 1690
- Sacconi, Fernando - Rome 1922
Cellos over $500k